Saturday, February 21, 2009

Appreciate the power of Youth

as Gai-sensei used to say... the burst of youth is strong(or sumthing liddat)...*onli naruto fans knw*

ok... back to the point... since its youth... bet y'all felt youthful lust b4... hehe

my guess aint wrong rite? haha... btw... i just like to crap in my blog...

enjoy seeing me crap... just now when i see the weather is windy i went to play basketball... LOL

and i showered b4 i went basketball... LOL

windy = going to rain... lol... i tot so... so i reached there with my neighbour...

played 2 match or 4 vs 4... the 3 match was funny... 18-6 then started raining... we tot normal drizzling so everyone just continued playing...

this small kid was playing basketball and shuffling(LOL).. he can do ok skill...

we call him (shuffle boy) then another work as a teacher.. so every1 call him (lau shi)*chinese*

those pinpointed 1's are cool

see see suddenly heavy rain... every1 snatched their belongings and started to rush home...

when i reach home... i was soaked from head to toe... lol...

then i need to shower again... haih... troublesome... btw... i was thinking...

whats with my title that has nothing to do with any of my story? LOL


Happy Saturday ... ... LOL

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