Monday, December 21, 2009

Im Sure

zzz.. i actually wrote the whole thing just now.

internet error. need to rewrite.. lol

lets keep it short...

im sure everyone will be posting about their LIFE at the prom for a few minutes

or hours later

Table 5 Rocks... and its weird... LOL...

lets say it started to be weird since Benjamin comes sitting on the table.

dunno why. im sure everyone agree's on this. and i forgotten his sirname

so dinner is served. lets say im one of the 1st batch to eat the food.

then comes the 2nd batch and so on... well you get the idea.

Selepas itu, everyone finished their food. and guess what happen.

wait... flashbach

oo... Chee Weng > guy 1: wanna go toilet?

guy 1 > guy 2: wanna go toilet?

and it goes on and on.. until i was the only one at the table.


table Crashing time...

chat with some guys till the games hit the stage.

lets say its quite boring as the gals leave the guys no chance

and they won due to their bravery(not afraiding to kiss amongst the same sex)

it ends and i forgotten what happen next.


its coming....

the beat comes beating through the room? or hall? no idea...

its the time... well, lets just say this was the best part of this event.

Just Dance, gonna be okay.

well, thats what i did, except im quite not okay now, so many ppl stepped on

my foot... so syok... pain like syok...

and the worst part is... after the announcement of the last 15 min,

my legs goes... oww, cou jing or kejang... english i think is cramp. not sure haha

that was the time it ruined my mood... at least its fixed during the last 1 minute

well... lets say the fun part ends right here.

yaya. i know my blog is filled with words and not pictures.

well at least it can train your imagining skills. o.O?

o, did i say this is the PROM im talking about here?

lets end here.

oo ya, remember to attend to SARA's(the man) party in his place.

well, you could stop reading here. as the rests are crap

so hyperactive now. too bad it ends so soon.

so hyperactive now, i wonder how can i sleep now.

guess im not going to... WAKAKA...

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